Heart Disease and Things You Never Knew

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There are many questions about heart disease that you want to know, but you may never know the correct answers. Therefore, heart matters are not as far away as you might think. Paying attention to and understanding heart matters will help you stay ahead of heart disease.

Can the heart get cancer?

The heart is responsible for pumping blood to various parts of the body, while also returning blood to the lungs for filtration, causing blood to pass in and out of the heart all the time. The chance of the heart getting cancer is quite low or very rare. But it can be very dangerous and can be found in people of all ages. Most often, it is another type of cancer that spreads to the heart. โปรโมชั่น ufabet Such as liver cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, etc. The effective treatment for heart cancer is surgical removal of the cancer. However, if you experience abnormal symptoms such as easy fatigue, shortness of breath, low-grade fever, facial swelling, neck swelling, enlarged liver. Or pitting edema, it is advised to see a heart specialist for a thorough examination.

How is chest pain from heart disease different from chest pain from other diseases?

Chest pain from heart disease is the most severe, especially if the coronary arteries are narrowed. The chest pain will be evident. The characteristic of heart disease is chest pain during exertion. Such as climbing stairs or exerting more than usual daily activities. Therefore, if you exert yourself and pain arises, it should be initially assumed that it may be heart disease. Besides chest pain from heart disease, other conditions. That cause similar chest pain include chest pain from heartburn or epigastric pain, chest muscle tear, pericarditis, etc.

Is it true that sweets can cause coronary artery disease?

If comparing the dangers of fat with sugar, if the fat is high, it will accumulate in the blood vessels. In the case of sugar, even though it does not accumulate directly in the blood vessels. Sugar accelerates the accumulation of fat plaque or increases inflammation of the blood vessels. When sugar enters the body, it releases insulin to reduce the sugar level. Preventing toxicity from sugar or blood vessel inflammation. Therefore, in diabetic patients where insulin functions very little or not at all, even a small intake of sweets can cause blood sugar levels to rise and not decrease due to lack of insulin. When blood sugar levels are very high, blood vessels become inflamed rapidly and high levels of fat accumulate in the arteries, posing a danger to the heart.

What kind of exercise-related fatigue increases the risk of heart disease?

If the heart is healthy, blood can adequately supply different parts of the heart at all times, regardless of how exhausting the exercise is, one can still continue exercising but decrease the intensity. However, if suffering from heart disease, such as coronary artery disease, the heart doesn’t function fully all the time, which might be about 50%-60% of what the heart should be doing. In daily life activities like walking, there won’t be any problem, but when engaging in more exerting activities, especially heavy cardiovascular exercises, it will feel very tiring and painful in the chest. If heart disease symptoms worsen, even with less exertion, one will easily feel exhausted. For example, if able to walk 1 kilometer, it might decrease to 500 meters. From climbing stairs from the first to the second floor without resting, it becomes climbing only a few steps before having to stop. This means that exertion activities will gradually decrease until not wanting to perform activities, which is a sign of heart disease that should prompt a visit to a heart specialist as soon as possible.